
Can't write more then one JSON object to a collection

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When I attempt to write two objects to a single collection, only the first will get written.

This is not reproducible, a very minimal test verifies that this is not an issue, adapting the test case

	// Write a fish to the database
	fish1 := Fish{"The One Fish"}
	fish2 := Fish{"The Two Fish"}
	err = db.Write("mycollection", "fish1", fish1)
	err = db.Write("mycollection", "fish2", fish2)

Results in two files:

       │ File: scribbledb_111226993/collection/fish1.json
   1   │ {
   2   │     "Name": "The One Fish"
   3   │ }
       │ File: scribbledb_111226993/collection/fish2.json
   1   │ {
   2   │     "Name": "The Two Fish"
   3   │ }

Of course, if this was an issue, scribble would be pretty useless, but it isn't. Perhaps it was way back when. This issue should be closed.

Thanks for looking into this and validating things are still working.