
Event not getting triggered on pull request label

nikhil-bidgely opened this issue · 4 comments

I've created a workflow with two events on: [pull_request_review, pull_request]. The entire flow gets triggered on reviews e.g. Approvals on PR.
But when the PR is labeled the workflow isn't getting triggered, sample PR:

As per documentation pull_request covers labeled even but it's not happening. Please look into this and let me know. The workflow file is at triggerBuild

You need to opt-in to the label event like so:

    types: [labeled]

According to the docs only the opened, synchronized, and reopened events trigger the pull_request event by default, the rest you need to opt-in to.

@xt0rted Thanks for pointing this out, I couldn't have figured this out. Can you please answer a couple more questions?

  1. Is it possible to disable the default events? Like not triggering the event when a pull request is opened.
  2. Also, multiple instances of a workflow can get triggered in parallel. Is it possible to restrict it to just one at a time?

I'm not sure, you should try asking on the community forum. That's where the team has been answering questions like this.

@xt0rted Thanks, I'm closing the issue.