
Actions Ideas list

lannonbr opened this issue · 4 comments

It is great to have a list of actions that already exist, but the opportunities of actions we could create is large, and with such, I think it would be neat to create a section in this list for ideas for actions that may not exist yet but people are interested in having. Would be good both to see interest in the tool-chain as well as some inspiration for people who would like to get into developing actions but have no clue what to build.

Then if people build any of these actions, we can move them out of the ideas list and into the list of living actions.

We've done a similar thing in probot/ideas if you're looking for inspiration!

sdras commented

I love this! Yes, great idea. I'll implement soon. (PRs also accepted)

Sarah, would you prefer having an ideas section in the Readme or have maybe an file that people can contribute to. I have a few ideas personally so I just want to know how it should be structured before pushing a PR

sdras commented

I like the idea of having a separate file so that the repo readme stays consistent with other actions projects. Thanks for asking :)