
Help manage the repo

andrewthetechie opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi @sdras, are you still interested in maintaining this list? Would you be ok with a fork and someone else updating the list?

Another possible option: Would you be interested in adding some folks to manage this repo? I'd volunteer to help out with reviewing PRs and getting more actions added to the list.

I would like to help out if at all possible as well. This is a really solid stack.

@sdras Please allow us to help you to maintain this Awesome project. There are so may great PRs that should be merged.

sdras commented

Hey all, I'd happy to have the help. My job is taking up a ton of my time these days. I'll add you to the repo. Please read through the contributing guide. Thank you!

@sdras I'd be happy to assist maintaining this as well. It's a great resource for finding quality GitHub Actions.

alagos commented

@sdras happy to help here as well. There's a bunch of PRs that need some attention

First up - awesome to see a curated place of awesome actions and resources :)

Are any other folks contributors to this repo as it feels like it's not had a merge for over 1 year with almost 100 PRs piled up?