
Active tab is darker than inactive tab

Opened this issue · 0 comments

I am on v0.4.0

Love this theme so much, but had to change the way tab highlighting works because my brain would not accept the active tab being darker than inactive tabs. Not sure if anyone else feels this way, or if I am just stubborn, so thought I'd open an issue for discussion.

For those who feel me on this, here are my overrides (which also cover the fix for background color of selections)

  "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "[In Bed by 7pm]": {
      "tab.unfocusedInactiveForeground": "#545869",
      "tab.unfocusedActiveBackground": "#1E2030",
      "tab.activeBackground":  "#545869",

      "selection.background": "#f3ff486b",
      "editor.selectionBackground": "#363d53dd",
      "editor.selectionHighlightBackground": "#363d53dd",
      "editor.inactiveSelectionBackground": "#303649a4",
      "editor.findMatchBackground": "#f3ff486b",
      "editor.findMatchHighlightBackground": "#f3ff482a"

Thanks again for another fantastic theme!! Its the only one that has ever even made me think about switching from Night Owl 😄

Example image with 2 vertically-split editors, left side is active: