
SDSC knime roll

Primary LanguageMakefile

SDSC "knime" roll


This roll bundles knime

For more information about the knime roll please visit their official web pages:

  • knime is an open source platform for data analytics, reporting and integration that integrates components for machine learning and data mining


To build/install this roll you must have root access to a Rocks development machine (e.g., a frontend or development appliance).

If your Rocks development machine does not have Internet access you must download the appropriate source file(s) using a machine that does have Internet access and copy them into the src/<package> directories on your Rocks development machine.


The sdsc-roll must be installed on the build machine, since the build process depends on make include files provided by that roll.


To build the knime roll, execute this on a Rocks development machine (e.g., a frontend or development appliance):

% make 2>&1 | tee build.log

A successful build will create the file cmake-*.disk1.iso. If you built the roll on a Rocks frontend, proceed to the installation step. If you built the roll on a Rocks development appliance, you need to copy the roll to your Rocks frontend before continuing with installation.


To install, execute these instructions on a Rocks frontend:

% rocks add roll *.iso
% rocks enable roll knime
% cd /export/rocks/install
% rocks create distro

Subsequent installs of compute and login nodes will then include the contents of the knime-roll. To avoid cluttering the cluster frontend with unused software, the knime-roll is configured to install only on compute and login nodes. To force installation on your frontend, run this command after adding the knime-roll to your distro

% rocks run roll knime host=NAME | bash

where NAME is the DNS name of a compute or login node in your cluster.

In addition to the software itself, the roll installs knime environment module files in:



The knime-roll includes a test script which can be run to verify proper installation of the roll documentation, binaries and module files. To run the test scripts execute the following command(s):

% /root/rolltests/knime.t