
Just Play Store and Settings available in app list

faxesystem opened this issue · 5 comments

Installed Slim Launcher today with F-Droid on my Pixel 2 running Android 11.

When trying to add apps I can just choose from Settings and Play Store. Also nothing comes up when using the search function.


Looks like Android 11 changed how to query installed apps:

Unlauncher is working without problems.

@fusion44 Thnx for the link, adding this permission indeed seems to solve this problem. Opened a PR based on this.

Unlauncher still uses the old way to find/launch apps which doesn't support work profile, but apparently still allows you to query all the apps without any additional permission on android 11.
@sduduzog Not sure what you think about this new permission needed query all the apps, tested some other solutions today but see no way around it (using LauncherApps).

Its a pretty straight forward permission, if it fixes our issue, I'm happy with it. I do have to update the privacy policy for it soon though

it was a very drastic move from google to do something like this with no warning.

I'll prepare a release tonight, it'll probably take 2-4 days for google play to review the app,