HELP ModuleNotFoundError (maybe version issue)
mindyou6526 opened this issue · 1 comments
mindyou6526 commented
I am on a google colab, and I have an issue with [ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tgan']
I thought it is version issue, so I converted my colab version to python 3.7. And I think that I successfully installed tgan with "!pip install tgan", but "from tgan.model import TGANModel'" didn't work.
If you guys do know how successfully install python 3.7, and import tgan to python 3.7(not 3.10 which is current version of colab), and finally use TGANModel, plz let me know.........
AryanSaeedi commented
@mindyou6526 also change your tensorflow version to 1.15.0. worked for me