
Upgrade Checkstyle to 9.3

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The current build.gradle lists 8.29 as the version for Checkstyle. However, Checkstyle 9.3 is currently the latest version available. I propose upgrading Checkstyle to it.

I have done something similar for RepoSense. However, some of the new checks may not be as relevant since they are for proposed new Javadoc standards within RepoSense only.

Thanks for proposing this @yhtMinceraft1010X We can probably tackle this over the summer when AB3 is not in active use.

Here are my planned changes to address this issue:

I noticed that Duke also has a checkstyle.xml file in the full-template branch. Can I confirm if that file also needs to be updated?

I noticed that Duke also has a checkstyle.xml file in the full-template branch. Can I confirm if that file also needs to be updated?

@yhtMinceraft1010X Yes.