
Optimize/cleanup array graph domain

Closed this issue · 1 comments

From @caballa on April 9, 2017 8:34

The current implementation works for toy programs but two main things
must to be done for being able to analyze real programs:

  1. landmarks must be kept as local state as part of each abstract

  2. reduction between scalar and weight domains must be done
    incrementally. For that, we need some assumptions about the
    underlying scalar domain. For instance, if we assume zones then
    after each operation we know which are the indexes affected by
    the operation. We can use that information for doing reduction
    only on those indexes. This would remove the need of having
    methods such as array_sgraph_domain_traits::is_unsat and
    array_sgraph_domain_traits::active_variables which are anyway
    domain dependent.

Copied from original issue: caballa/crab#15

Resolved in a way by commit 5e3fac4