
Playable lifeforms

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Humans are fun and all, but there should be a series of unlockable alien lifeforms that players can recruit as astro-pirates to their ship. Some ideas include:

  • active:
    • Pea shooter
    • Shotgun
    • Rocket Launcher
    • Machine Gun
    • Force Field
  • passive:
    • health regen
    • higher max health
  • active:
    • smash
    • charge
    • place wall
    • roll boulder
  • passive:
    • damage resistance
    • slow
  • active abilities:
    • Attract
    • Repel
    • Explode
    • Convert
    • Control
    • absorb attack
  • passive:
    • heal team
The Swarm
  • active:
    • swarm
    • disperse
    • split
  • passive:
    • eat the dead
    • fear
  • active:
    • teleport
    • stealth
    • telefrag
    • remote mines
    • proxy mines
  • passive:
    • speedy
    • fragile
The Void
  • active:
    • Invert polarity
  • passive:
    • singularity