
Rofi clipboard manager. Forked from: https://bitbucket.org/pandozer/rofi-clipboard-manager.git

Primary LanguagePython


Clipboard history manager designed for using with Rofi.


  • Show runtime (ring) clipboard history.
  • Show/Create/Delete persistent notes from clipboard.
  • Define and use actions with clipboard contents.
  • Desktop notifications via D-Bus.



  • Install requirements via your favorite package manager.
  • Clone this repository to preferred place.
  • Make link to roficlip.py and place it to directory listed in $PATH e.g.: ln -s ~/bin/apps/roficlip/roficlip.py ~/bin


Run daemon:

roficlip.py --daemon &

Bind hotkey (combined mode):

rofi -modi "clipboard:roficlip.py --show,persistent:roficlip.py --show --persistent,actions:roficlip.py --show --actions" -show clipboard

or (single mode)

rofi -modi "clipboard:roficlip.py --show" -show clipboard


Yaml config placed in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/roficlip/settings Example:

  ring_size: 20                 # maximum clips count.
  preview_width: 100            # maximum preview width for rofi.
  newline_char: '¬'             # any character for using in preview as new line marker.
  notify: True                  # allow using desktop notifications.
  notify_timeout: 1             # notification timeout in seconds.
  show_comments_first: False    # if using persistent notes for command shortcuts followed by '#' comment.

  'open url via mpv player': 'mpv --geometry=720x405-20-20 %s' # %s will be replaced with current clipboard content.
  'add persistent clip': 'roficlip.py -q --add' # save current clipboard as persistent.
  'remove persistent clip': 'roficlip.py -q --remove' # remove current clipboard from persistent.

Please see help: roficlip.py --help for all command line switches.