
Role timespan

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Many roles e.g. employment have a defined start and end. Do we model those as events? instVars?

I would vote for events.

That seems to be the most elegant solution.

In the Dynabook in general, I'm starting to see that many things that seem like local state are actually dynamically generated from another domain. Like a birthDate is a detect on a timeline for the birth event of that person. Although, it might also become local state again if it needs to be cached (due of course to real world metrics, not fear lol)

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-30 um 12 15 50

and the event (with start and end dates – and optional name) is associated with the association "Organization Involvement"

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-30 um 12 16 06