
small scope fullstack todo application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Todo Web App

Minimum Requirements:

  • View a list of to-do items
  • Ability to filter the list by pending, complete, and all to-dos
  • Create a new to-do item
  • Edit a to-do item
  • Delete a to-do item
  • Complete a to-do item

Additional Capabilities:

  • Persistent Filtering
  • Error handling for all requests
  • User notification when prudent
  • Basic Authentication
    • login,
    • logout,
    • registration,
    • password encryption using bcrypt, and
    • validation messages for:
      • creating accounts with a username already taken
      • incorrect login values

Things which could make this project better:

  • automated testing (using something like jest)
  • account management
    • 'Forgot Password' functionality
    • 2FA (would require additional information stored on account creation, i.e. user email)
    • account deletion w/ cascade delete of all associated Todo entries
  • additional login/logout functionality
    • local storage cookie for maintaining login status (for a time)
    • timeout on local storage cookie for auto-logout
    • signout deletes cookie from local storage for safety
  • additional table functionality
    • better 'no records found' watermark
    • some visual indicator when retrieving records from DB

Uses: Vercel, Planetscale, Next.js, mySQL, Prisma, Material UI, eslint

Sidenote: referenced this comment for errors regarding openssl with Prisma: prisma/prisma#15505 (comment)

.env setup

First, rename the .env.example to just .env

cp .env.example .env

Values for the DATABASE_URL can be plugged in with the values used in and/or returned from the following commands:

pscale database create <DATABASE_NAME>

Note: <BRANCH_NAME> will be main (this is automatically created when the DB is created on Planetscale)

pscale password create <DATABASE_NAME> <BRANCH_NAME> <PASSWORD_NAME>

and it's output looks like this:

Password production-password was successfully created.
Please save the values below as they will not be shown again

NAME                 USERNAME       ACCESS HOST URL              ROLE              PLAIN TEXT
-------------------- -------------- ---------------------------- ----------------- ------------------
production-password  xxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxx.us-east-2.psdb.cloud  Can Read & Write  pscale_pw_xxxxxxx

Then you will have all the values to fill in your DATABASE_URL.

Snippet above pulled from Vercel's Next.js example for using MySql.


Had to deal with having no relation / FK constraint between my Users and my Todos as Planetscale does not allow for FK and Prisma has no way of managing relations without a FK. In the end, I just decided that the userId will be manually added to each todo created and will only be an INT value that can be used to filter against.