
Not found error translate to method not allowed when there is route with method is at the start of the route

rluvaton opened this issue · 1 comments

Maybe related to #1017



Darwin MacBook-Pro.local 23.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May  1 20:12:58 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.121.3~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64

Reproduction Repo

When some route return NOT FOUND (404) I get METHOD NOT ALLOWED (405) when there is a route that have the method at the start of the paths instead of at the end:

When put is at the start:

let problematic_route = warp::put()
        .map(move || {

VS when `put is at the end:

let problematic_route = warp::path("api")
    .map(move || {

I did not see anywhere that putting the method at the start will cause this which is why I'm considering it as a bug

The following is working:

let crates = warp::path("b")
      // Simulating .and(warp::fs::dir(<some-dir>)) for simplicity


  let problematic_route = warp::path("api")
      .map(move || {

  let routes = problematic_route

Almost complete code

The following does not work:

let crates = warp::path("b")
      // Simulating .and(warp::fs::dir(<some-dir>)) for simplicity


  // <-------- This does not work
  let problematic_route =
          .map(move || {

  let routes = problematic_route

Custom filter is:

fn custom_filter() -> impl Filter<Extract=(String,), Error=Rejection> + Copy {

		// I use `and_then` to simulate warp::fs::dir(<some-dir>) which does that as well
        .and_then(|s: Tail| async move {
            let route = s.as_str();

            if !route.ends_with("something") {
                return Err(reject::not_found());


Thank you for explaining the workaround. I have the same problem, the workaround helps.
I'd be interested to know what the root-cause of this issue is.