
when i get UIImage from ALAssetsLibrary,then use "imageToWebP"method, the image color is change

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ALAssetRepresentation *assetRep = [currentAsset defaultRepresentation];
CGImageRef imgRef = [assetRep fullResolutionImage];
UIImage *postImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imgRef scale:assetRep.scale orientation:UIImageOrientationUp];
NSData *imageData = [UIImage imageToWebP:postImg quality:50.f];

then show this imageData in the app, the image Color is wrong. but if I convert native png or jpg to NSData ,it is right. I don't know why.

like this ,it is right.
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"xxx.png"];
NSData *imageData = [UIImage imageToWebP:image quality:50.f];

just now change this method "if (alpha < 1) { }" to "if (alpha <= 1) { }", the image color is right.

  • (NSData )convertToWebP:(UIImage *)image
    configBlock:(void (^)(WebPConfig *))configBlock
    error:(NSError *

i have this problem too. But when i change "if (alpha < 1) { }" to "if (alpha <= 1) { }" it also have some problem the webPimage has some white cover on it.