Reading List

From: @bamos

This repository contains my open source reading list. See the online version.

My reading list is indeed lacking. Suggestions welcome.

I'm also not a web developer and am happy for feedback on the code/design.



  • Plaintext and friendly data format.
  • Minimal hosting and deployment overhead.
  • Offline editing support.

Technologies Used

  • Linux and OSX. Windows should also work with Cygwin, but I haven't tried. Please file any issues related to this.
  • YAML data.
  • GitHub Pages hosts and automatically deploys a 100% client-side website that can also be edited offline. Bower manages 3rd party library dependencies used on the site, stored in bower.json.

Creating Your Reading List: Quick Start

  1. Fork or copy the contents of this repository into a new GitHub repository. Make sure the default branch is set to gh-pages for deployment. At this point, you should be able to see my site hosted at. http://<your-github-name>
  2. Update the data and personalize index.html. Push your changes to GitHub to see them immediately on the new site.

Local Deployment

Most browsers will not be able to open index.html directly from the filesystem because the js loads YAML resources. One workaround is to use start a simple Python static web server with python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer and access the website with localhost:8000.

Updating Bower Dependencies

Run bower update to obtain the dependencies in bower_components. Run ./ to copy the necessary portions into vendor.


The following projects inspired me to create a GitHub-hosted reading list.

Generated on 2014-11-02, see the Markdown source of this file for more details.

Name Stargazers Description
cmonty/reading-list 3 Track books I've read and any thoughts I've had. Also uses Wiki to track knowledge.
coryschires/reading-list 17 List of books and screencasts related to development, user experience design, and entrepreneurship.
DavidRagone/reading_list 1 List of books I have read related to development, user experience design, and entrepreneurship
eightbitraptor/reading_list 8
gbtekkie/ReadingList 2 handy collection of tekkie readings
jaredcacurak/reading-list 2 My reading list.

Credits and Licensing

All portions are MIT licensed by Brandon Amos unless otherwise noted.

This project uses and modifies the following open source projects and resources. Modifications remain under the original license.

Project Modified License
Twitter bootstrap No MIT
handlebars.js No MIT License
IronSummitMedia/startbootstrap-grayscale Yes Apache 2
makeusebrew/bootbox No MIT
Flickr Photo Yes cc by-nc-sa 2.0
TimelineJS No Mozilla Public License