
OvernightJS controllers cannot be extended

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My project is currently using OvernightJS and I am exploring ways to do API versioning.

One of the ways I have attempted to maintain multiple API versions is to try and extend a currently functional Controller and leverage OOP.
I expected that if ControllerB extends ControllerA, ControllerB inherits the endpoints in ControllerA; after all, the endpoints in Controller A are just functions.

This does not seem to work.

See example code:

export class ControllerA {

    public async getSauce(req, res, next): Promise<Response> {
        // something happens here

    public async getFork(req, res, next): Promise<Response> {
        // something happens here
export class ControllerB extends ControllerA {

    public async getSauce(req, res, next): Promise<Response> {
        // something else happens here

The behavior I see is that ControllerB's implementation of GET.api/pasta/v2/sauce is working, but GET.api/pasta/v2/fork is not even a recognized endpoint. This is what is being returned: 404 Not Found Cannot GET /api/pasta/v2/fork
This means that ControllerB is not able to use its parent's endpoints.

Is this intentional? Or is this a bug?
Or is there a totally different way of approaching API Versioning with inheritance in OvernightJS?

Note: This problem exists for ChildControllers as well.