
Official code of AAAI'23 paper: Boosting Point Clouds Rendering via Radiance Mapping written in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePython

Boosting Point Clouds Rendering via Radiance Mapping

This is the official code of AAAI'23 paper Boosting Point Clouds Rendering via Radiance Mapping written in PyTorch.


conda create -n bpcr python=3.8
conda activate bpcr

conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install matplotlib
pip install opencv-python
pip install lpips
pip install piqa==1.1.8
pip install tensorboard
pip install ConfigArgParse
pip install open3d

python setup.py install

Data Preparation

The layout should look like this

├── data
    ├── nerf_synthetic
    ├── dtu
    |   ├── dtu_110
    │   │   │── cams_1
    │   │   │── image
    │   │   │── mask
    │   │   │── npbgpp.ply
    |   ├── dtu_114
    |   ├── dtu_118
    ├── scannet
    │   │   │──0000
    |   │   │   │──color_select
    |   │   │   │──pose_select
    |   │   │   |──intrinsic
    |   │   │   |──00.ply
    │   │   │──0043
    │   │   │──0045
    ├── pc
    |   ├── nerf
    │   │   │── chair.ply
    │   │   │── drums.ply  

NeRF-Synthetic: Please download dataset from NeRF and put the unpacked files in ./data/nerf_synthetic. To generate point clouds, run Point-NeRF and save the point clouds in ./data/pc/nerf. You can also download point clouds from here.

DTU: Please download images and masks from IDR and camera parameters from PatchmatchNet. We use the point clouds provided by npbg++.

ScanNet: Please download data from ScanNet and run select_scan.py to select the frames. We use the point cloud provided by ScanNet for scene0000_00 and point clouds provided by npbg++ for two other scenes. For scene0043_00, the frames after 1000 are ignored because the camera parameters are -inf.


python run_rasterize.py --config=configs/chair.txt

Please change the config file to run other scenes. The fragments would be saved in ./data/fragments.


python main.py --config=configs/chair.txt

Before training, please ensure that the fragments of this scene already exist. The results would be saved in ./logs. You can also run tensorboard to observe training and testing

tensorboard --logdir=logs

Acknowledgements and Citation

The code in rasterization borrows a lot from Pytorch3D.

If you find this project useful in your research, please cite the following papers:

Huang X, Zhang Y, Ni B, et al. Boosting point clouds rendering via radiance mapping[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. 2023, 37(1): 953-961.

or in bibtex:

  title={Boosting point clouds rendering via radiance mapping},
  author={Huang, Xiaoyang and Zhang, Yi and Ni, Bingbing and Li, Teng and Chen, Kai and Zhang, Wenjun},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence},