
Image Resizer: Not working

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I am having issues getting the image resizer add on to work. The image is always the same size, I even turned the settings to height 45. I was able to resize an image ONCE but then it stopped working and it was super blurry. I will post some pictures for reference. Using Anki version 2.1.
I am hoping you can help me.
(I am a medical student who knows nothing of technology so I am sure I am doing something completely wrong, please forgive me.)
I also have a silly question: does this add on resize images of cards already made or do we need to do that manually?

What usually happens:

The one I got to work:

My settings:

Hi @alanarae I know it's been a long time, but is this still an issue?
And in response to your question about previously added images, no it does not change them. It only affects new images as they are added. If you'd like to change the size of old images, see issue #14 for an explanation from the add-on creator with details on how to do that.