
Edge Browser on Windows 11 has call stack error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Loading the link/file:

on the Edge browser in Windows 11

results in an

Uncaught Error: OpenSCAD exited with an error: Maximum call stack size exceeded



EDIT: Note that it works in the Edge browser in Windows 10 (also Firefox, also Safari on the current MacOS)

Just fyi: It may take some time until this is fixed, as I don't have immediate access to a Win11 machine.

I was able to test this on Win11 with Edge today, but unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce the issue.

@WillAdams does the error happen, when you open the page or does it only happen on a specific action (e.g. exporting to AMF)? Do you change any of the parameters in the customizer?

It happens on open --- hopefully it will go away at the next update --- if it doesn't, I'll let you know all the specifics and re-open this, or make a new issue.