
Collaboration with Codacy

machadoit opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there, João Machado from Codacy here.

We have a Flay integration, so that everyone that uses our website can get Ruby duplication analysis. You can check it at

Would you guys be interested on mentioning us as a out-of-box solution to run Flay on your code? You can also add your repo at Codacy to check it out, we are free for open source projects.

What would we be collaborating on?

Hi @zenspider,

The idea would be just a mention of Codacy as a solution that has Flay integrated. Something like this RuboCop section at

I'm not comfortable doing this.

ETA: I really appreciate that you're using flay for your product, but there are other commercial products using flay as well. I don't want to seem like I'm playing favorites with anyone, so I'd rather not.

Hi @zenspider, it is no problem at all! If you consider have such a section in the future, let me know.

On a related note, Rubocop didn't have a section for these tools, and by their suggestion, I created one mentioning other tools as well rubocop/rubocop@16a4d43 that looks like in case you are interested in checking it out.

Thank you for your time.