
Rake `debug` cannot find `generate` within a namespace

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I namespace zenweb tasks since I have my own other tasks in my Rakefile, but the debug task fails to find the generate task:

❯ rake zenweb:debug
rake aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `generate' for nil:NilClass
.../zenweb-3.10.3/lib/zenweb/tasks.rake:193:in `block in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => zenweb:debug
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

No, it can't call generate on nil... Comes down to this:

task :debug => ".site" do
  site = website

  path = ENV['PAGE'] || ENV['F'] || ENV['FILE'] || "index.html.erb"

  if path then
    page = site.pages[path]

I'm not sure why that first conditional is there, since it can't be falsey...

but it looks like it needs some extra guards around what happens when site.pages[path] doesn't look up. Seems like you're asking for a file that doesn't exist?

So, on a guess, you're NOT trying to generate "index.html.erb" as your top level file in your site at all... so this dies immediately? Try rake debug F=some_file.ext and lemme know what happens.

I did just find a bug in the debug task wrt .site not being wired up and am fixing that now.

OK. I've moved my website over to a namespaced set of tasks and confirmed that it does work fine. I've also improved the error so it tells you what went wrong.

I think this is not a bug and am closing. Please feel free to reopen if you think I missed something or have questions.