
Gradle Tasks failed after execution

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Either I execute connectedCheck or connectedAndroidTest, after finishing I always retrieve the following exception

`Error:(44, 1) Failed to notify task execution listener.

Cannot run program "adb": error=2, No such file or directory`

It is concerning the task to retrieve Cucumber test reports on Gradle app file configuration. What could I be missing? Maybe I am not executing the tests in a proper manner. Sebas, could you please give me and advice?

Just for the record, I have installed the platform-tools properly. I am not sure if the path /mnt/sdk/cucumber-reports should be modified, though.

It looks to be adb program in the gradle task you mentioned.

If you're executing the gradle task from the command line, check that a call to adb devices actually executes the program correctly, maybe you don't have it in the path of your system or the user doesn't have execution permissions over the adb binary.

Alternatively, you can comment out the whole gradle.taskGraph.afterTask block, to ensure the tests run correctly.

I was forced to uninstall de platform-tools, seems the were not working. After reinstalling wit the latest version and calling to adb devices command runs properly. Thank you for your help.