
Unclear documentation

BSarmady opened this issue · 1 comments

Reading following document page to understand XML configuration file format.

I'm interested in specific elements such as pathCoverage, include, phpVersion and report

Looking at document I cannot find where each element supposed to go? is it enough to just drop it in XML file anywhere I like or need to put it in specific order and specific parent node?

Look at the structure of the document, for instance:

  • The <coverage> Element (first line of this section: "Parent element: <phpunit>")
    • The pathCoverage Attribute

This should make it clear that the <coverage> element is a child of <phpunit> and that pathCoverage is an attribute of <coverage>.

I highly recommend editing PHPUnit's XML configuration with an IDE such as PhpStorm which uses the schema definition to support you with auto-complete and on-the-fly validation.