Pre-degree internship @UNITN on Computer Vision > Social Force Model
Here's the Matlab code to compute the regression parameters through SFM.
Row | Content |
1 | frame |
2 | pedestrian ID |
3 | X |
4 | Y |
5 | group |
first 5 rows as real_video_trajectory/
Row | Content |
6 | crowdness with radius = 1 |
7 | crowdness with radius = 2 |
8 | crowdness with radius = 5 |
first 8 rows as crowded_real_video_trajectory/
Row | Content |
9 | smooth-crowdedness with radius = 1 |
10 | smooth-crowdedness with radius = 2 |
11 | smooth-crowdedness with radius = 5 |
- Run
to compute all SFM parameters - Set the parameters in the Unity simulator, with input start_end (the start time and position, the end time and position of each pedestrian) and we can run the simulation.
regress parameters (all) from trajectory.multi_person_heter.m
regress several parameters (a set) from trajectory
The parameters are contained in the matrices ThetaX. ThetaX1 contains parameters unrelevant with groups, while ThetaX2 contains group parameters (attraction and vision force). The order of the parameters are v_des, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_vis, f_att.
deal with SFM parameters and store themget_start_end.m
get the timestamp and the position of start and end
The simulator we use (which is not included into this repository) works on Unity v. 2017.3.0f2. On my MacBook, I run Unity v. 2017.3.1f1 and everything works fine. The simulator is not compatible with updated Unity versions.