Some uniform bounds for elliptic curves over Q
This repository contains the MAGMA cited in the paper Some uniform bounds for elliptic curves over Q by Davide Lombardo and Sebastiano Tronto (available on arXiv, submitted for publication to the Pacific Journal of Mathematics).
The files Examples2.m and ExamplesOdd.m verify the contents of Tables 1 and 2 in Section 7. The file Theorem44.m verifies several claims made in the proof of Theorem 4.4.
Note that Theorem44.m is based on the classification by Rouse and Zureick-Brown of all possible 2-adic images of Galois for non-CM elliptic curves over Q. As such, running it requires the following 4 data files:
- gl2finedata.txt
- gl2data.txt
- curvelist1.txt
- curvelist2.txt which may be obtained from J. Rouse's page.
Output files for all the scripts are also provided.