Testing Tezedge crash consistency

Tests to ensure that tezedge is able to resume after a crash occurs, and the integrity of the database is not altered.

We are simulating crashes by saving the storage after every block IO request, at the block layer.
We then attempt to restart the node on top of the saved storage, and perform some integrity checks.
The tests are using dm-log-writes.


When an application write to the storage (with the syscalls write(2), chmod(2), fsync(2), etc), it translates at the block layer to a sequence of requests: REQ_META, REQ_PREFLUSH, REQ_FUA, ..

We ensure that after every FUA requests, the database is in a valid state, and that Tezedge is able to restart with that database.
We focus only on the request FUA (Force Unit Access), because attempting to read the storage after other requests leads to invalid file system.
A FUA request can be triggered from an application by calling fsync or fdatasync

This was tested in a VM with Ubuntu 22.04 and 2 additional partitions:

  • /dev/sdb 2 GB
  • /dev/sdc 2 GB

Note: The first run of any of those tests will take a few hours to complete, because it needs to download all block headers on testnet.
Downloading the headers is required only once.

Tezedge context storage (persistent)

This test applies 10 blocks from ithacanet

$ sudo ./run_test.sh tezedge
- 0 invalid context
- 81 valid context

After every FUA request, a valid context was found

Irmin context storage

This test applies 10 blocks from ithacanet

$ sudo ./run_test.sh irmin
- 0 invalid context
- 0 valid context

The test did not find any valid or invalid context.
This is because irmin doesn't call fsync/fdatasync

Tezedge context storage (in memory)

This tests the in-memory context.
While everything is in RAM, it periodically makes a snapshot on disk.
This test ensure that the snapshots are valid.

$ sudo ./run_test.sh tezedge-inmem
- 0 invalid context
- 14 valid context

Full bootstrapping test (block + context storages)

$ sudo ./run_test.sh bootstrap

This will bootstrap the node on ithacanet.
After every FUA request, it will attempt to continue the bootstrapping process.


The tezedge node is always able to continue the bootstrapping and apply the next blocks