Permission always return false
thracefields opened this issue · 1 comments
Let's say we have that code for example:
Route::resource('countries', CountryController::class)->except(['show', 'destroy'])->middleware(['permssion:tools']);
Even if I am admin, it always say 403.
I have to use this syntax to work:
Route::resource('countries', CountryController::class)->except(['show', 'destroy'])->middleware(['ability:admin,tools']);
The permission doesn't have category.
If you don't use ability to say that admin is authorized, admin will not be authorized.
The reason is simple, admin is a role, unlike what you can see on the role's edit page, permissions aren't really assigned to this role (see in the db).
So if we check if admin has a permission, he'll never get it.
This was done so that when adding a "boilerplate" package, there's no need to attach permissions to the admin role. Otherwise, a migrate would have to be created each time to attach the permissions to the role.
I hope my explanation is clear