
Suggestion : Make tag parser characters customisable

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Let's say for whatever reason I'd like to use fluid to generate other fluid templates. To do so, I would need to be able to change the characters the tag parser is targeting. e.g. : [[ instead of {{ or [# instead of {%

This would allow me to parse this kind of template to generate "classic" liquid template:

[# for i in (1..3) #]
    {{ my_var_[[i]] }}
[# endfor #]

Which would render as :

{{ my_var_1 }}
{{ my_var_2 }}
{{ my_var_3 }}

Do you think it would be interesting ? May I hope to see this functionality in the future ?

Have a good day :)

I'm thinking this will introduce a fair bit of complexity into the library, for a very niche use case. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.