
Set List Placeholder

Closed this issue · 10 comments

For example: Listlist=new List() {"123", "333"}

Use: field: {{list}}

The result is: value: 123,333. How to: field: ["123", "333"]

You can use the json filter like this: field: {{ list | json }}. If you have configured an encoder that would mess up with the output (HtmlEncoder for instance) you can also do {{ list | json | raw }}

Thank you. This is really OK, but I thought of escaping, for example: field: ["123", "333"] is changed to: field: [\"123\", \"333\"]

I can't reproduce what you are describing. Here is my attempt (

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;

using Fluid;
public class Program
  public static void Main()
      var parser = new FluidParser();
      var t = parser.Parse("{{ list | json | raw }}");
      var context = new TemplateContext();
      context.SetValue("list", new List<string>() {"123", "333"});

Can you provide some code sample showing how you are getting this result?

You have misunderstood me. The result is no problem, but I want to add escape.

Correct: field: ["123", "333"], I want to: field: [ \"123 \", \"333 \"]

I can only think about this if you are trying to generate a C# string containing some json. Then in this case you could just do {{ list | json | raw | replace: '"', '\\"' }} but there might be other replacements to do in case some json string are already escaped.

Obviously, this syntax is invalid: | replace: '"', '\\"'

This writing method is not supported in C #. Do you have a better method?