
Access properties of dictionary value

antonGritsenko opened this issue · 1 comments

I have some complex class with properties of Dictionary type:

var some  = new ComplexObject { Id = 1, AdditionalData = new Dictionary<string, SubObject>{ {"Test", new SubObject{ Property1 = "Some" }  } };

var parser = new FluidParser();
if (_parser.TryParse(template, out var fluidTemplate, out var error))
      var context = new TemplateContext(some);

      return fluidTemplate.Render(context);
      throw new Exception(error);

How can I access the inner SubObject? I've tried template like this:

{% if AdditionalData["Test"] %} 
there is additional data: {{ AdditionalData.size}}
{% if AdditionalData["Test"].Property1 %}
Property1: {{ AdditionalData["Test"].Property1 }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

It rendered as:

there is additional data: 1

so AdditionalData["Test"].Property1 is nil.

Is this by design?

OK, get it at the end, you must use options.MemberAccessStrategy.Register explicitly for all inner classes,