
Is support aot?

Cricle opened this issue · 10 comments

I try

class A
    public int D1 { get; set; }
    public int D2 { get; set; }

    public B B { get; set; }

    public IList<B> Bs { get; set; }
class B
    public string W1 { get; set; }

            var f = new FluidParser(new FluidParserOptions { AllowFunctions = true });
            var temp=f.Parse("""
                These shoes are awesome! {{ D1 }} {{ B.W1 }}
            var a = new A { D1 = 123, B = new B { W1 = "456" } };
            Console.WriteLine(temp.Render(new TemplateContext(a)));
dotnet run

Result is These shoes are awesome! 123, but when I try dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 -p:PublishAot=true, result is These shoes are awesome!

Which version?

Fluid currently isn't AOT compatible so as types are dynamically accessed the results will be wrong, like you've noticed.


Oops I didn't notice the flag, thanks @lahma, that's why I was asking myself why the title contains AOT :)

Has any plan to support aot compile in the feature?
Or has any method to make it work?

Has any plan to support aot compile in the feature?

I started some work around it, but haven't made progress in a year.
Could you describe your scenario where you need AOT?

I am currently trying to create a program that interacts with GitLab and other websites through webhook. I want to use Microsoft's' cloud native 'approach. Currently, all components used except for Fluid can be AOT enabled, so I am wondering if Fluid also supports AOT.


Would probably require use of source generators and non-trivial amount of work.

I would try to write object to FluidValue source generation use roslyn, but it will be defined like json serialization such as ignore, deep...

I think it will drop the reflection in model use.

Please draft a PR to demonstrate your ideas 👍🏻

I will try to do it