
e'th modular root (RSA)

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Hi, I'm trying to implement Catalano & Fiore Commitment Scheme based on RSA assumption. I've to compute the e'th root of an integer mod N (since N = p * q two primes number), but with built-in function in python i obtain a float number instead of an integer.
There is any way in your library to evaluate e'th root of integer and get an integer like RSA?
Thank you.


Note that relic is designed for elliptic curve crypto. pyrelic is probably the wrong pick to implement anything based on RSA.

Okay, so this library is what i was looking for. Because I want to use bilinear pairings on my commitment scheme, but i didn't understand what curves use this library e which method i need to use for:

  • get a generator g of a bilinear group G of prime order p
  • get prime order p
  • obtain a new point on curve by multiplying generator for a scalar
  • use pairing function to get a new point in GT
    I only see some example of scheme like bfe, bls protocol
import pyrelic
# generator
g = pyrelic.generator_G1()
# order
p = pyrelic.order()
# random scalar
scalar = pyrelic.rand_BN_order()
# scalar from an int
scalar = pyrelic.BN_from_int(123)
# h = g^scalar
h = g ** scalar
# pair h with generator of G2
t = pyrelic.pair(h, pyrelic.generator_G2())

In this case is a symmetric pairing? Like tate pairing? Because i need a pairing map which works in this way:
e: G x G -> Gt where G x G are two elements of the same group G
Thank you a lot

That's not supported by pyrelic. It only provides Type-3 pairings as supported by relic.

Ok so G1 and G2 are two generator of different curve? Or same curve?

generator_G1() returns the generator of the group G1, generator_G2() the generator for group G2.

Okok thank you so much. There is any way to cast the output of pyrelic.pair() to string?

Because i try to print the result of g**random_integer but i obtain bytes string (b') and i can't decode it

You can convert the group elements to byte representation. How you convert this representation to a string and back is up to you. Serialization beyond a byte representation is left to the user.