
mtl parses wrong filename for map_Kd

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Hey there!

I really dont know much about that whole 3D stuff and just start to get into it. So please pardon me, if this is a user problem :)

So, i created a fairly simple .obj in blender, which is a cube, where one face got deleted. It shall become a room eventually. That worked all pretty well, kiss3d had loaded the room.obj and room.mtl just fine. Basic textures on it were also rendered properly.

Now, I started to put on some tiling for just one face (floor), and have a basic color material on the remaining faces (walls). And here I run into a panic when calling window.add_obj(..), stating that there is a file missing. I tracked that down to loader/ performing a match on the material file's lines. The case for map_Kd then calls loader/ The value on my material file looks like this:
map_Kd -s -15.000000 -15.000000 -3.700000 wood_tile.jpg

Which unfortunately gets parsed to assets/-s -15.000000 -15.000000 -3.700000 wood_tile.jpg, where assets/ is the base directory. And yep, there is no such file, sure.

So, i guess my question is: Did I fuck up the material in the first place? Which is totally reasonable, since I'm no good at blender :)

Or maybe this is just not supported for a KISS engine. If so, any hope I could extend / switch the material loading in a pretty manor? Like, instead of manually patching the kiss3d repo

Big thanks in advance, and again sorry if this is just me being stupid!