
snap_image() and snap() not working on Windows and Wayland

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both snap() and snap_image() - the Window methods to capture the current data displayed on screen - don't work. I verified this both with my own scripts and with the "screenshot" example that is able to render the cube on screen, but then shows a blank black image in the saved PNG file.

So just a quick update - I re-ran my tests on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine with X11 and apparently the methods do work. All of my tests were previously run either on wayland compositors or on Windows machines, so this might explain the difference. Sadly the final code will exclusively run on Windows, so I'm still stuck. grovesNL/glow#125 might explain what's happening, although I'm not quite sure it's relevant.

Another quick update - on the Windows machine it seems that new_with_size() has a lower bound for the width argument of 120 px. I'm not sure if it's related or not, but it's definitely surprising.