
Improve README and Wiki Documentation

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As a developer
I want a broad simple README while maintaining documentation elsewhere
So that I can refer to richer documentation if I need to

The documentation for Iorek is currently stored in a singular place and is pretty verbose. Consolidate down and add information to wiki pages; while maintaining a single reference point for the documentation provided.


Add Wiki Pages

  • Features (with sub pages for configuration)
  • Contributing
  • Sponsorship


  • Point to Wiki Pages
  • Update Etymology Section
  • Add Links to PwnedPasswords
  • Add Sponsorship
  • Add Contributing Link

Fix spelling errors

  • compromised.password.**service** determines which integration to use. Defaults automatically to "pwnedpassword" if not supplied.
  • compromised.password.pwnedpasswords.prefix.length This is the required prefix length of the SHA-1 Hash provided to the Pwned Passwords API for k-anonymity.