
Add animations to major components

Closed this issue · 1 comments

With all of the applications I use that feel really responsive and good to use, the main differentiator I find is transitions (as long as the UI looks good in the first place, which ours most definitely does!).
I don't think transitions are that hard to do in WPF, all the code I believe could be done in XAML.

Suggested transitions/animations:

  • Main open/close of software -> maybe a sweep up, sweep down?
  • Sub-buttons expanding -> sweep right?
  • Main toggle button -> Smooth transition for the button icon itself, maybe a morph?
  • Task description open -> sweep up, sweep down?
  • Item type dropdown -> this one is already quite good, but potentially slow it down slightly, or make it do a full swipe down?
  • Adding or removing a column -> sweep/fade?

Duplicate: #50