Probe displays as active when powered off.
Opened this issue · 1 comments
chicagoandy commented
njobrien1006 commented
I tried to reproduce the issue but was unsuccessful.
It may be PR #58 may have resolved or you have an un-tested grill.
This is what I did to attempt to reproduce.
import logging
_LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)
# Generic Properties
def available(self):
"""Reports unavailable when the grill is powered off"""
_LOGGER.error("GrillAvailableReprot: %s", str(self.grill_state))
_LOGGER.error("GrillAvailableReprot: %s", str(self.grill_state["connected"]))
_LOGGER.error("GrillAvailableReprot: %s", str(self.grill_accessory))
if (self.grill_state is None or
self.grill_state["connected"] == False or
self.grill_accessory is None):
return False
return self.grill_accessory["con"]
My results were:
[custom_components.traeger] GrillAvailableReprot: {'pellet_level': 40, 'real_time': 0, 'time': 1684584463, 'errors': 0, 'sys_timer_start': 0, 'cook_id': '', 'probe': 64, 'server_status': 0, 'units': 1, 'grill': 53, 'probe_set': 0, 'current_step': 0, 'system_status': 99, 'sys_timer_end': 0, 'set': 165, 'in_custom': 0, 'smoke': 0, 'cook_timer_complete': 0, 'current_cycle': 0, 'probe_alarm_fired': 0, 'ambient': 65, 'probe_con': 1, 'sys_timer_complete': 0, 'cook_timer_start': 0, 'cook_timer_end': 0, 'keepwarm': 0, 'connected': False, 'acc': [{'uuid': 'p0', 'channel': 'p0', 'type': 'probe', 'con': 1, 'probe': {'get_temp': 64, 'set_temp': 0, 'alarm_fired': 0}}]}
[custom_components.traeger] GrillAvailableReprot: False
[custom_components.traeger] GrillAvailableReprot: {'uuid': 'p0', 'channel': 'p0', 'type': 'probe', 'con': 1, 'probe': {'get_temp': 64, 'set_temp': 0, 'alarm_fired': 0}}
- Update to the latest version.
- Add the above debug code if you are able.
- Provide your grill model.
- Enable debug in configuration.yaml
#default: warning
logs: #debug/info/warning/error/critical
custom_components.hacs: warning
custom_components.traeger: debug
- Provide a full redacted message payload