
An ES201X starter with common frontend tasks using Webpack 4 as module bundler and npm scripts as task runner.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


styled with prettier

An ES201X starter with common frontend tasks using Webpack 4 as module bundler and npm scripts as task runner.

For an older version with Gulp 4, see 1.6.2.



Node ">=6.0.0" (use brew or install it from here)

brew install node

Clone the repository

OSX & Linux:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/dmnsgn/frontend-boilerplate.git && cd frontend-boilerplate && rm -rf .git && git init


git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/dmnsgn/frontend-boilerplate.git && cd frontend-boilerplate && rd /s /q .git && git init


npm install


Open config/config.js:

Key Description Type
PATHS map of paths to the differents folders needed by webpack and npm scripts Map
BROWSERS the browsers targeted for babel-preset-env and autoprefixer (see full list here) Array

Open package.json:

Key Description Type
config.title title used for metas and favicons String
config.url absolute url used for metas, robotstxt, sitemap and banner String
config.lang language for index.html and favicons String
config.description title used for metas, favicons and banner String
config.copyright license acronym used for banner String
config.handle twitter handle for metas String
config.analyticsUA google analytics UA String
author.name author name used for favicons String
author.url author url used for favicons String


npm run dev
// or npm start


npm run prod
// or npm run build


Webpack loaders

Webpack plugins

npm scripts

  • npm run clean: remove all the files from the dist directory
  • npm run favicons: generate favicons files and /src/templates/_favicons.ejs
  • npm run robotstxt: generate robots.txt file
  • npm run sitemap: generate sitemap.xml file

Prettier formatter
