Help with decoding parktronic
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Captured with rf433snif
Waiting for signal...
|---> < 572588 us > elapsed without recording
Signal duration: 846619 us
000 356, 360
001 356, 360
002 356, 360
003 356, 360
004 352, 360
005 352, 360
006 352, 360
007 356, 360
008 352, 360
009 356, 3236
010 356, 356
011 356, 716
012 364, 352
013 360, 352
014 716, 360
015 352, 712
016 364, 352
017 716, 360
018 352, 376
019 340, 360
020 352, 716
021 716, 712
022 364, 352
023 364, 352
024 360, 352
025 364, 352
026 364, 352
027 712, 364
028 352, 716
029 360, 352
030 364, 352
031 716, 712
032 716, 716
033 712, 720
034 360, 352
035 364, 352
036 364, 352
037 360, 352
038 716, 716
039 360, 352
040 716, 716
041 712, 716
042 716, 712
043 716, 716
044 712, 716
045 716, 360
046 352, 372
047 344, 712
048 716, 716
049 712, 716
050 1076,154640
051 356, 360
052 352, 360
053 352, 360
054 356, 360
055 352, 360
056 356, 360
057 352, 360
058 356, 360
059 356, 360
060 356, 3240
061 352, 360
062 356, 716
063 364, 352
064 360, 352
065 716, 364
066 352, 712
067 364, 352
068 716, 360
069 352, 372
070 344, 360
071 352, 716
072 716, 712
073 364, 352
074 364, 352
075 360, 352
076 364, 352
077 364, 352
078 716, 360
079 352, 716
080 360, 352
081 364, 352
082 716, 712
083 716, 716
084 716, 716
085 360, 352
086 364, 352
087 364, 352
088 360, 352
089 716, 716
090 360, 352
091 716, 720
092 712, 716
093 716, 716
094 716, 716
095 712, 716
096 716, 360
097 352, 372
098 340, 712
099 716, 716
100 712, 716
101 1076,154644
102 360, 360
103 356, 360
104 352, 360
105 356, 360
106 352, 360
107 356, 360
108 352, 360
109 352, 360
110 356, 360
111 356, 3240
112 356, 356
113 356, 716
114 364, 352
115 360, 352
116 716, 364
117 352, 716
118 364, 352
119 716, 360
120 352, 368
121 344, 360
122 352, 716
123 716, 712
124 364, 352
125 364, 352
126 360, 352
127 364, 352
128 364, 352
129 712, 364
130 352, 716
131 360, 352
132 364, 352
133 716, 712
134 716, 716
135 712, 716
136 360, 352
137 364, 352
138 364, 352
139 360, 352
140 724, 708
141 360, 352
142 716, 716
143 712, 716
144 716, 712
145 716, 716
146 712, 716
147 716, 360
148 352, 368
149 344, 712
150 716, 716
151 712, 716
152 1076,129028
153 356, 360
154 356, 360
155 356, 360
156 352, 360
157 356, 360
158 356, 360
159 356, 360
160 356, 360
161 352, 360
162 356, 3240
163 356, 356
164 356, 716
165 364, 352
166 360, 352
167 716, 364
168 352, 712
169 364, 352
170 716, 360
171 352, 368
172 344, 360
173 352, 716
174 716, 712
175 364, 352
176 364, 352
177 360, 352
178 364, 352
179 364, 352
180 712, 364
181 352, 716
182 360, 352
183 364, 352
184 716, 712
185 716, 716
186 712, 716
187 360, 352
188 364, 352
189 364, 352
190 360, 352
191 716, 716
192 360, 352
193 716, 716
194 712, 716
195 716, 712
196 716, 716
197 712, 716
198 716, 360
199 352, 372
200 344, 716
201 716, 716
202 712, 716
203 1076,154636
204 356, 360
205 356, 360
206 356, 360
207 356, 360
208 352, 360
209 356, 360
210 352, 360
211 352, 360
212 352, 360
213 352, 3240
214 352, 716
215 716, 716
216 360, 352
217 720, 364
218 352, 712
219 364, 352
220 716, 360
221 352, 376
222 340, 360
223 352, 716
224 716, 712
225 364, 352
226 364, 352
227 360, 352
228 364, 352
229 364, 352
230 712, 364
231 352, 716
232 360, 352
233 716, 716
234 360, 352
235 716, 716
236 712, 716
237 360, 352
238 364, 352
239 364, 352
240 360, 352
241 716, 716
242 360, 352
243 716, 720
244 712, 716
245 716, 712
246 716, 716
247 716, 716
248 716, 360
249 352, 372
Waiting for signal...
|---> < 470160 us > elapsed without recording
Signal duration: 745562 us
, 42028
000 360, 360
001 356, 360
002 356, 360
003 352, 360
004 356, 360
005 356, 360
006 352, 360
007 356, 360
008 356, 360
009 352, 3240
010 356, 716
011 716, 716
012 360, 352
013 716, 364
014 352, 716
015 364, 352
016 716, 360
017 352, 372
018 344, 360
019 352, 716
020 716, 716
021 364, 352
022 364, 352
023 360, 352
024 364, 352
025 364, 352
026 712, 364
027 352, 716
028 360, 352
029 716, 716
030 360, 352
031 716, 724
032 704, 720
033 360, 352
034 364, 352
035 364, 352
036 360, 352
037 716, 716
038 360, 352
039 716, 716
040 716, 716
041 716, 712
042 716, 716
043 712, 716
044 716, 360
045 352, 376
046 340, 712
047 716, 716
048 712, 716
049 1076,103512
050 356, 360
051 356, 360
052 356, 360
053 352, 360
054 352, 360
055 356, 360
056 356, 360
057 356, 360
058 356, 360
059 352, 3240
060 356, 356
061 356, 716
062 364, 352
063 360, 352
064 716, 364
065 352, 716
066 364, 352
067 716, 360
068 352, 376
069 340, 360
070 352, 716
071 716, 712
072 364, 352
073 364, 352
074 360, 344
075 364, 352
076 364, 352
077 712, 364
078 352, 716
079 360, 352
080 716, 716
081 360, 352
082 716, 716
083 712, 720
084 360, 352
085 364, 352
086 364, 352
087 360, 352
088 716, 716
089 360, 352
090 716, 716
091 712, 716
092 716, 716
093 716, 716
094 712, 716
095 364, 352
096 712, 372
097 340, 716
098 716, 720
099 712, 716
100 1076,103508
101 356, 360
102 360, 360
103 356, 360
104 356, 360
105 356, 360
106 356, 360
107 352, 360
108 356, 352
109 352, 360
110 356, 3240
111 356, 356
112 356, 716
113 364, 352
114 360, 352
115 716, 364
116 352, 712
117 364, 352
118 716, 360
119 352, 372
120 344, 360
121 352, 716
122 716, 716
123 364, 352
124 364, 352
125 360, 352
126 364, 352
127 364, 352
128 712, 360
129 352, 716
130 360, 352
131 716, 716
132 360, 352
133 716, 716
134 712, 720
135 360, 352
136 364, 352
137 364, 352
138 360, 352
139 716, 716
140 360, 352
141 716, 716
142 712, 720
143 716, 716
144 716, 716
145 716, 716
146 364, 352
147 712, 376
148 340, 712
149 716, 716
150 716, 716
151 1076,129080
152 356, 360
153 356, 360
154 352, 360
155 356, 360
156 352, 360
157 356, 360
158 352, 360
159 356, 360
160 352, 360
161 352, 3240
162 356, 360
163 356, 716
164 364, 352
165 360, 352
166 716, 364
167 352, 712
168 364, 352
169 716, 360
170 352, 376
171 340, 360
172 352, 716
173 716, 712
174 364, 352
175 356, 352
176 360, 352
177 364, 352
178 364, 352
179 716, 364
180 352, 716
181 360, 352
182 716, 716
183 360, 352
184 716, 716
185 712, 716
186 360, 352
187 364, 352
188 364, 352
189 360, 352
190 716, 720
191 360, 352
192 716, 716
193 716, 716
194 716, 712
195 716, 716
196 716, 716
197 364, 352
198 712, 372
199 344, 712
200 716, 716
201 712, 716
202 1076,154680
203 356, 360
204 360, 360
205 356, 360
206 356, 360
207 352, 360
208 352, 360
209 356, 360
210 352, 360
211 352, 360
212 352, 3240
213 352, 716
214 716, 716
215 360, 352
216 716, 364
217 352, 712
218 364, 352
219 716, 360
220 352, 372
221 340, 360
222 352, 716
223 716, 712
224 364, 352
225 364, 352
226 360, 352
227 364, 352
228 364, 352
229 716, 360
230 352, 716
231 360, 352
232 716, 716
233 360, 352
234 716, 716
235 716, 716
236 360, 352
237 364, 352
238 364, 352
239 360, 352
240 716, 716
241 360, 352
242 716, 716
243 716, 716
244 716, 712
245 716, 716
246 716, 716
247 716, 360
248 352, 372
249 344, 712
Waiting for signal...
|---> < 622434 us > elapsed without recording
Signal duration: 722773 us
000 356, 360
001 356, 360
002 360, 360
003 356, 360
004 356, 360
005 352, 360
006 356, 360
007 352, 360
008 352, 360
009 356, 3236
010 356, 356
011 356, 720
012 364, 352
013 364, 352
014 716, 360
015 352, 716
016 360, 352
017 716, 364
018 352, 368
019 344, 360
020 352, 712
021 716, 716
022 360, 352
023 364, 352
024 716, 716
025 364, 352
026 716, 360
027 352, 716
028 364, 352
029 712, 716
030 364, 352
031 712, 716
032 716, 716
033 364, 352
034 360, 352
035 364, 352
036 364, 352
037 712, 716
038 364, 352
039 716, 716
040 716, 712
041 716, 716
042 716, 716
043 716, 716
044 364, 352
045 364, 352
046 372, 340
047 716, 360
048 352, 716
049 716, 712
050 1076,154636
051 360, 360
052 356, 360
053 356, 360
054 356, 360
055 352, 360
056 356, 360
057 356, 360
058 356, 360
059 352, 360
060 356, 3236
061 356, 360
062 356, 716
063 364, 352
064 364, 352
065 712, 364
066 352, 716
067 360, 352
068 716, 364
069 352, 368
070 344, 364
071 352, 716
072 716, 716
073 360, 352
074 364, 352
075 720, 712
076 364, 352
077 716, 360
078 352, 716
079 364, 352
080 360, 352
081 716, 716
082 716, 716
083 716, 712
084 364, 352
085 360, 352
086 364, 352
087 364, 352
088 712, 716
089 364, 352
090 716, 716
091 716, 712
092 716, 716
093 712, 716
094 716, 712
095 716, 716
096 368, 344
097 716, 360
098 352, 716
099 716, 716
100 1076,103500
101 360, 360
102 352, 360
103 352, 360
104 356, 360
105 352, 360
106 356, 360
107 356, 360
108 356, 360
109 352, 360
110 352, 3236
111 356, 716
112 364, 352
113 364, 352
114 364, 352
115 716, 360
116 352, 716
117 360, 352
118 716, 364
119 352, 364
120 348, 360
121 352, 712
122 716, 716
123 360, 352
124 716, 716
125 360, 352
126 364, 352
127 716, 360
128 352, 716
129 364, 344
130 360, 352
131 716, 716
132 716, 716
133 720, 712
134 364, 352
135 360, 352
136 364, 352
137 364, 352
138 712, 716
139 364, 352
140 712, 716
141 716, 712
142 716, 716
143 716, 716
144 716, 712
145 716, 360
146 352, 372
147 340, 716
148 716, 716
149 720, 712
150 1076,103512
151 356, 360
152 356, 360
153 356, 360
154 356, 360
155 356, 360
156 356, 360
157 352, 360
158 352, 360
159 356, 360
160 356, 3240
161 352, 716
162 364, 352
163 364, 352
164 360, 352
165 720, 360
166 352, 716
167 364, 352
168 716, 360
169 352, 372
170 340, 360
171 352, 716
172 720, 712
173 364, 352
174 716, 716
175 364, 352
176 364, 352
177 716, 360
178 352, 716
179 360, 352
180 364, 352
181 716, 712
182 716, 716
183 712, 720
184 360, 352
185 364, 352
186 364, 352
187 360, 352
188 716, 716
189 360, 352
190 716, 720
191 712, 716
192 716, 716
193 716, 716
194 716, 716
195 716, 360
196 352, 372
197 344, 712
198 716, 716
199 716, 716
200 1076,103500
201 356, 360
202 356, 360
203 356, 360
204 356, 360
205 352, 360
206 356, 360
207 356, 360
208 356, 360
209 352, 360
210 356, 3240
211 356, 716
212 364, 352
213 364, 352
214 360, 352
215 716, 364
216 352, 712
217 364, 352
218 716, 360
219 352, 368
220 344, 360
221 352, 716
222 716, 716
223 364, 352
224 716, 716
225 364, 352
226 364, 352
227 712, 364
228 352, 716
229 360, 352
230 364, 352
231 720, 712
232 716, 716
233 712, 716
234 360, 352
235 364, 352
236 364, 352
237 360, 352
238 716, 716
239 360, 352
240 716, 720
241 712, 716
242 716, 712
243 716, 716
244 712, 716
245 716, 360
246 352, 368
247 348, 712
248 716, 716
249 716, 716
Is the encoding type, and RF433recv can manage three:
RFMOD_TRIBIT = "0" is "short signal low then long signal high", "1" is "long signal low then short signal high".
RFMOD_TRIBIT_INVERTED = "0" is "short signal high then long signal low", "1" is "long signal high then short signal low".
RFMOD_TRIBIT and RFMOD_TRIBIT_INVERTED are very close, it is just that in the first one a bit is encoded by the "low-then-high" signal durations, whereas the latter is encoded by "high-then-low" signal durations.
RFMOD_MANCHESTER = "0" is "short low then short high" and "1" is "short high then short low". As you can see there are only "short" here (on the encoding side) but when decoding, a "low-then-high" followed by "high-then-low" (for example) will lead to a long duration (two shorts). As opposed to TRIBIT/TRIBIT_INVERTED where short and long durations are arbitrary (long is not necessary the double of short, and low durations can be different from high durations), with MANCHESTER, "long" is by definition the exact double of "short", and low and high short and long durations must be identical.
You can see help about it in the "More Details" section of RF433any library, here:
The prefix before encoding, always much longer then any of short or long durations. It serves to tell the receiver that "something encoded will follow".
lo_prefix, hi_prefix
is almost never used. It follows initseq and is made of one (and only one) succession of "low-then-high" (low duration = lo_prefix, high duration = hi_prefix) signal with a timing distinct from "everything" (distinct from the encoding "short" and "long" timings, distinct from sep/initseq).
I encoded such a prefix because I discovered it on a FLO/R. The simple "FLO" telecommand does not send such a prefix, the FLO/R (a more elaborate FLO with rolling code) does send such a prefix, I guess, to help the receiver distinguish between FLO and FLO/R.
If you don't get it, just set it to zero - it is extremely rarely used.
Is used only with RFMOD_TRIBIT_INVERTED. Because this mod uses successions of "high-then-low" signals, the first low signal that follows initseq (initseq is always high), is not part of the encoding. So it could be of any duration.
De facto it is most frequently the "short" duration but it is not a rule, any duration is possible here.
This is the kind-of "symetric" of first_lo_ign and is used only with RFMOD_TRIBIT. Because this mod uses successions of "low-then-high" signals, the last low signal (before next initseq and/or separator) is not part of encoding and can be of any duration.
De facto it is most frequently the "short" duration but it is not a rule, any duration is possible here.
A code is typically sent multiple times when pressing the button, to increase the likelihood of receiver to catch the code.
'sep' is the duration of "high" signal between two codes.
It is often equal to initseq, but not necessarily. With some telecommands, 'sep' is smaller than 'initseq'.
Still, 'sep' must be much longer than 'long' durations (to help identify the code sequence has ended).
I guess, 'sep' is used to speed up the transmission of code sending when sent repeatedly.
If you don't get it, just set it to the same value as 'initseq'.
Is the number of bits of the value decoded.
You'll see what encoding is being used by using the library RF433any:
I sent the timings you give to RF433any (in SIMULATED mode) and the response is:
----- BEGIN TEST -----
[0] Sync 9
T=SYN, E=0, I=29696, S(lo)=352, L(lo)=352, S(hi)=352, L(hi)=352, P=3200, Y=0, Z=352
[1] Received 57 bits: 00 e6 17 e7 57 da aa 2a
T=MAN, E=0, I=0, S=352, L=704, P=29696, Y=0, Z=1072
----- END TEST -----
The above is a bit difficult to read.
So, when asking to display the code to read it (to be used with RF433recv library), we get the below outputs:
First code (sync):
-----CODE START-----
, // mod
29696, // initseq
0, // lo_prefix
0, // hi_prefix
0, // first_lo_ign
352, // lo_short
352, // lo_long
352, // hi_short (0 => take lo_short)
352, // hi_long (0 => take lo_long)
352, // lo_last
3200, // sep
9 // nb_bits
-----CODE END-----
Actually it is possible to read the one above, considering it is Manchester with 352 us of typical duration step, of 9 bits.
You'd then see it is only ZEROs (and it is why RF433any cannot guess encoding: at no moment does the "long" duration show up).
Second code (encoded with Manchester):
-----CODE START-----
3200, // initseq
0, // lo_prefix
0, // hi_prefix
0, // first_lo_ign
352, // lo_short
704, // lo_long
0, // hi_short (0 => take lo_short)
0, // hi_long (0 => take lo_long)
1072, // lo_last
3200, // sep
57 // nb_bits
-----CODE END-----
(i've updated durations so that they don't go beyond 30000 ~= near max 16-bit integer value)
In order to receive the code, I suggest you ignore the first sync sequence and only try and get the MANCHESTER sequence, using the rf.register_Receiver you see above (the one declared with RFMOD_MANCHESTER).
Hope this helps,
Regards, Sébastien Millet