
Missing new 2016 devices 🙃

Closed this issue · 5 comments

iPhone 7

@warpling – I am still waiting for the shippings to begin so we have the confirmed device versions (platform IDs). This is surely coming very soon! 😃

Sounds good :) I'll add some placeholders in my fork in time being.

Okay good call. I tried to assume the iPhone 7 was iPhone9,2 it is in fact iPhone9,3 (at least my AT&T GSM one is). it appears the iPhone 7+ might be iPhone9,2 oddly enough. Maybe the SE is now iPhone9,1?

According to

                          @"iPhone9,1" : @(iPhone7),
                          @"iPhone9,3" : @(iPhone7),
                          @"iPhone9,2" : @(iPhone7Plus),
                          @"iPhone9,4" : @(iPhone7Plus),

Added in 53719b5. 👍