
Failed to read frame: unexpected EOFFailed

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─$ ./rapidresetclient -requests=10 -url https://myurl -wait=100 -delay=10 -concurrency=5
Failed to read frame: unexpected EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed to read frame: EOFFailed

Is same error, EOFFAILED to read frame.

Could each of you please share some details like:

  • Your version of Go and arch (e.g. amd64)
  • The URL you're testing against
  • Whether you're executing a binary or using go run

You can share this with me at if you prefer not to include details in a public issue.

./rapidresetclient -requests=10 -url https://myUrl -wait=100 -delay=10 -concurrency=5
2024/01/31 18:08:20 Failed to dial: dial tcp: address myUrl: missing port in address