Weight constraint
WBP20 opened this issue · 5 comments
Thank you for sharing us this work, this is very helpfull for my needs.
I want to add a weight contraint, that needs to modify your code:
- add a weight argument to class Rectangle
- add a maxWeight or remainingWeight argument to Bins
- Before adding a Rect to a bin check if weight < maxWeight (or > remainingWeight)
- if Ok add the rect to the bin and modify the maxWeight or remainingWeight arg
- if not ok continue to the next bin of the second one that fit the best.
But I can't find where I should implant that.. if you can give me some clues I could work on it.
Thank you in advance
There are two approaches depending on what you are looking for:
1 - Modify a packer to check the bins remaining weight and skip the rectangles that won't fit. The problem with this approach is that if the weigh of a rectangle isn't linked to its area, you could end with bins that have reached the max weight but with a lot of unused space.
2 - Create a new packing algorithm or modify one, so it takes the remaining weight on the bin and the weight of the rectangle in consideration when assigning fitness values. A more complex solution that could give better results with a well chosen fitness function
Hope it helps
I have already assigned a weight argument to function Rectangle.
I better go with 2nd option, I first though I could made some changes here:
class PackerBBFMixin(object):
BBF (Bin Best Fit): Pack rectangle in bin that gives best fitness
# only create this getter once
first_item = operator.itemgetter(0)
def add_rect(self, width, height, rid=None):
#iterate for each bins if sum of all rectangle contained in this bin + weight of this rectangle is > maxweight allowed.
# if so remove the bin from open_bins (assuming in this algo there is no closed bins). stock the removed bins in closed-bins.
# check if open_bins is not empty , else go to 2nd part of function (while true...)
# Try packing into open bins
fit = ((b.fitness(width, height), b) for b in self._open_bins)
fit = (b for b in fit if b[0] is not None)
_, best_bin = min(fit, key=self.first_item)
best_bin.add_rect(width, height, rid)
return True
except ValueError:
# Try packing into one of the empty bins
while True:
# can we find an unopened bin that will hold this rect?
new_bin = self._new_open_bin(width, height, rid=rid)
if new_bin is None:
return False
# _new_open_bin may return a bin that's too small,
# so we have to double-check
if new_bin.add_rect(width, height, rid):
return True
# add the closed bin to _onpenbins to reset.
I added comment where I should modify.
But it seems that this is not easy to manipulate these degue objetcts I got error
RuntimeError: deque mutated during iteration
Maybe should I do it in a different way ? modifying direclty in fitness function ? But i need to better understand what are inside open_bins ?
Hi, I found out a way to do it ! you can close the issue ! thank you anyway.
Hello WBP20, Do you still have the modified algorithm that takes account weight? Thanks!
same dwag we really need you rn WBP20