
Attempting to learn models with multidimensional inputs leads to an error.

clwgg opened this issue · 6 comments

clwgg commented

Thanks a lot for making this exciting project public! I'm not 100% sure if what I'm reporting is a bug of if this isn't supposed to work in GPflux, but here we go:

Describe the bug
Attempting to learn models with multidimensional inputs leads to an error.

To reproduce
First of all, the setup of a toy example and a GPflow SVGP-based version which works as expected:

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gpflow
import gpflux
from gpflow.utilities import print_summary, set_trainable


grid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 20),
                   np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 20))
X = np.column_stack(tuple(map(np.ravel, grid)))
Y = (np.sin(X[:, 0]) * np.sin(X[:, 1]))[:, None]

plt.contourf(grid[0], grid[1], Y.reshape(grid[0].shape))

num_data = len(X)
num_inducing = 10
output_dim = Y.shape[1]

kernel = (gpflow.kernels.SquaredExponential(active_dims=[0]) *
inducing_variable = gpflow.inducing_variables.InducingPoints(
    X[np.random.choice(X.shape[0], size=num_inducing, replace=False),:].copy()

#---------- SVGP
svgp = gpflow.models.SVGP(kernel, gpflow.likelihoods.Gaussian(), inducing_variable,
                          num_latent_gps=output_dim, num_data=num_data)
set_trainable(svgp.q_mu, False)
set_trainable(svgp.q_sqrt, False)
variational_params = [(svgp.q_mu, svgp.q_sqrt)]
natgrad_opt = gpflow.optimizers.NaturalGradient(gamma=0.1)
adam_opt = tf.optimizers.Adam(0.01)
minibatch_size = 10
train_dataset =
    (X, Y)).repeat().shuffle(num_data)
iter_train = iter(train_dataset.batch(minibatch_size))
objective = svgp.training_loss_closure(iter_train, compile=True)

def optim_step():
    natgrad_opt.minimize(objective, var_list=variational_params)
    adam_opt.minimize(objective, svgp.trainable_variables)

for i in range(100):
elbo = -objective().numpy()
print(f"it: {i} of dual-optimizer... elbo: {elbo}")

atgrid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 40),
                     np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 40))
atX = np.column_stack(tuple(map(np.ravel, atgrid)))

mean, var = svgp.predict_f(atX)
plt.contourf(atgrid[0], atgrid[1], mean.numpy().reshape(atgrid[0].shape))

And here a single-layer DGP with GPflux:

#---------- DEEPGP
gp_layer = gpflux.layers.GPLayer(
    kernel, inducing_variable, num_data=num_data, num_latent_gps=output_dim

likelihood_layer = gpflux.layers.LikelihoodLayer(gpflow.likelihoods.Gaussian(0.1))

single_layer_dgp = gpflux.models.DeepGP([gp_layer], likelihood_layer)
model = single_layer_dgp.as_training_model()

log ={"inputs": X, "targets": Y}, epochs=int(100), verbose=1)

which throws the following error when reaching the last line of the example:

ValueError: in user code:

    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/ train_function  *
        return step_function(self, iterator)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gpflux/layers/ call  *
        outputs = super().call(inputs, *args, **kwargs)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/layers/ call  **
        inputs, *args, **kwargs)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/ call
        result = self.function(inputs, **kwargs)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/layers/ _fn
        d = make_distribution_fn(*fargs, **fkwargs)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gpflux/layers/ _make_distribution_fn
        return tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=mean, scale_diag=tf.sqrt(cov))
    <decorator-gen-394>:2 __init__
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ wrapped_init
        default_init(self_, *args, **kwargs)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ new_func
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ __init__
    <decorator-gen-322>:2 __init__
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ wrapped_init
        default_init(self_, *args, **kwargs)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/distributions/ __init__
        loc, scale)
    venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_probability/python/internal/ shapes_from_loc_and_scale
        'of `loc` ({}).'.format(event_size_, loc_event_size_))

    ValueError: Event size of `scale` (1) could not be broadcast up to that of `loc` (2).

Expected behaviour
I expected this to not throw an error, and produce a (at least qualitatively) similar result to the SVGP implementation, but again, I'm not sure if this expectation is justified.

System information

  • OS: Linux, kernel 5.4.112-1
  • Python version: 3.7.5
  • GPflux version: 0.1.0 from pip
  • TensorFlow version: 2.4.1
  • GPflow version: 2.1.5
st-- commented

That's a bit surprising. GPflux should work just fine with multidimensional inputs. GPflux is designed around multi-output kernels. There is a check built into GPLayer but I just noticed that by default is disabled. Could you add an additional verbose=True keyword argument to the GPLayer constructor, and see if that then prints a warning "Could not verify the compatibility ..."? Have a look at the gpflux.helpers.construct_* functions, you should be able to make use of those to construct a set of compatible kernel/inducing variables objects.

clwgg commented

It does indeed print the warning when run with verbose! I'll look into the helpers and get back to you.

(also, this is totally tangential but the Slack invite link in the GPflux README is no longer active -- just wanted to let you know in case this isn't intentional).

st-- commented

(also, this is totally tangential but the Slack invite link in the GPflux README is no longer active -- just wanted to let you know in case this isn't intentional).

yeah Slack now expires all invite links after 30 days so we need to regularly update it. You can find the link valid until end of May in this PR: #28

clwgg commented

Ok, I have now wrapped the generation of kernel and inducing points in their respective construct helpers like so:

input_dim = X.shape[1]
kernel = gpflux.helpers.construct_basic_kernel(
    (gpflow.kernels.SquaredExponential(active_dims=[0]) *
inducing_variable = gpflux.helpers.construct_basic_inducing_variables(
    num_inducing, input_dim, output_dim, share_variables=True,

Now the warning during GPLayer (with verbose) disappears, but the error I report above persists. The same error also occurs if I don't use a kernel product with active_dims like so:

kernel = gpflux.helpers.construct_basic_kernel(

Hi @clwgg, thank you very much for raising this issue. I have to agree that the error message returned by GPflux is not clear at all. The problem is, however, that GPflux uses an Identity mean function by default. Given your 2D input, the Identity mean function will turn the GPLayer into a 2D output model, which clashes with your 1D targets. The problem can be solved by simply setting a Zero mean function:

gp_layer = gpflux.layers.GPLayer(
    kernel, inducing_variable, num_data=num_data, num_latent_gps=output_dim,

I'll open a PR to make the error messaging more informative.

clwgg commented

Wonderful, thank you @vdutor !