
Javascript Library for asynchronously loading remote resources

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rich HTML[5] pages often require a number of different resources to load before scripts can execute, especially for scripts that assume other scripts for definition. Making sure resources are loaded in the right order can be difficult. Coders are sometimes tempted to load many scripts in the document header, which forces them to load synchronously (i.e. slowly) and delays page rendering.

loaderator.js is designed to make asynchronous loading scripts and media easy and fast, encouraging responsive user experiences.


  • Handles the following methods of loading resources:
    • <script>: Add resource to document <head> as a script, allowing for Javascript and JSONP, even cross-domain
    • Cascading Style Sheets: Load external CSS file a <link> element
    • AJAX: Load just about any non-binary file using XMLHttpRequest (e.g. text, xml, json). Subject to cross-domain security restrictions, depending on server configuration.
    • DOM Elements: Creates the appropriate element based on resource type (images, audio, video, iframe), allowing for type-specific properties and methods (e.g. triggering load events for media on canplay, rather than waiting for the entire file)
    • Fonts: Wraps Google's WebFont Loader. Great for avoiding the "Flash of Unstyled Text"
  • Entirely event-based, never using setTimeout or setInterval (unless there is no other way)
  • Event listeners for individual resources, groups of resources or for everything.
  • Automatically detects/guesses the type of resource and best method of loading from file extension, unless specified
  • Checks for duplicates to avoid loading a given resource more than once (resolving relative URLs)
  • Makes it unnecessary to load any scripts in <head>, even this one
  • Small. ~18k, minifies to ~6k (Packer 3.1 shrink, base62, privateVars)


loaderator.js assumes it is running in a browser environment and may not work in a server or command-line program. It has not been tested thoroughly, but it should at least work in recent versions of Firefox and Webkit.

No external libraries are required.


Coming soon...

For an example, see http://code.chirls.com/loaderator/


Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php


None of this has been extensively tested, and the interface is subject to change. Please use it, test it and provide feedback, but be prepared to change your code when I change mine.


  • Change require to load so it makes more sense. or maybe push? done.
  • Add all CRUD features for all resources (create, remove, update, delete) On second thought, this seems unnecessary.
  • Pass constructor parameters to load. done.
  • Allow for addition of new modes as plugins
  • Enable specification of event type for media objects
  • Add error handling for different types of failures, including retry-able (e.g. server timeout) and permanent (e.g. 404)
  • Clean up resources array passed to event handlers
  • Add done method that declares you're done adding resources and firing category and "all" event as soon as possible, even if all events have loaded already (maybe?)
  • Accept an existing DOM element in place of a resource URL
  • Make sure this works if it's loaded twice
  • Clean up LDR8R and make it more elegant
  • Separate out console.log calls into a debugging extension that can be turned on or off
  • For ajax mode, allow for methods other than GET and additional parameters (headers, security credentials, POST data, etc.)
  • Make sure we're not using instanceof. done.
  • JS Lint this whole mess and make sure it minifies nicely done, but on-going.
  • Encapsulate it all in an anonymous function. done.
  • Build a test suite (little help, anyone?)