
Check docs for all scanners for correctness: Kubeaudit

malexmave opened this issue · 0 comments

Part of the effort to sanity-check all documentation.

Scanner Sanity-Check:

  • Sanity Check if the existing documentation is understandable and useful for you as a (first time) user
  • Ensure the general chart/scanner description is up to date and consistent to other scanners
    • ./scanner/NAME/.helm-docs.gotmpl -> {{- define "extra.chartAboutSection" -}}
  • Ensure the baseline scanner configuration is up to date and consistent to other scanners
    • ./scanner/NAME/.helm-docs.gotmpl -> {{- define "extra.scannerConfigurationSection" -}}
  • Ensure there is at minimum one scan example with the following files:
    • Example Scan File: ./scanner/NAME/examples/EXAMPLE-NAME/scan.yaml
    • Example Scan Result File: ./scanner/NAME/examples/EXAMPLE-NAME/findings.yaml
  • Ensure the docs files are generated correct and are up to date (sometimes the automated helm-docs update via SCB-Bot failed to update the docs correctly)
    • ./scanner/NAME/
    • ./scanner/NAME/docs/
    • ./scanner/NAME/docs/
    • Optional, only if a dedicated scanner image is defined:./scanner/NAME/docs/

Additional Context: