
Feature Request - API

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Is there a possibility of releasing an API to simplify automation?

In the original introduction there was an API (even came with screenshots), see here.

There is some mention about the API here.

@ScottHelme can you clarify if the API is planned to be brought back?

It's certainly something I want to do, but as always it comes back to time and resources. As soon as I can get around to it, it will be done :)

API UP VOTE here! ๐Ÿ‘

Hi @ScottHelme,

Any news on API implementation for Security Headers?

Hello @ScottHelme,
any updates on this topic?

API would be very useful

We do have an API now available for commercial use and I'm currently thinking on how to make this available for free in some capacity whilst also balancing against the needs of funding the project.

Maybe a small monthly charge for an API key ($2-$3) would be all that's required but the resources required to develop, test, update and host the service are not insignificant!

eXeDK commented

Any news on this @ScottHelme ? Would be great to be able to support this service and at the same time do a bit on internal automation for us.