
Minor issue: incorrect identification of Wi-Fi networks

Nostramo-DFIR opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, @YosfanEilay

In my PC, where I'm testing ForensicMiner, I have no Wi-Fi adapters. Only ethernet connections.

However, ForensicMiner always identifies my network connections as Wi-Fi connections:

`#################### Wi-Fi Security Details ####################

#################### Last Wi-Fi Connection ####################

Wi-Fi Name (SSID): Red
Last Wi-Fi Connection: 13/09/2023 14:26:34

Wi-Fi Name (SSID): Red 2
Last Wi-Fi Connection: 25/12/2023 12:21:13

#################### End of Wi-Fi History ####################`

This could lead to confusion in case there are both Wi-Fi and ethernet connections in the same host.

Hi @Nostramo-DFIR
Will take a look on that one nad understand how to resolve it the best way :)
Thank you for the testing