Old version - 0.59 - does not work on Fedora linux.
caedmon-kitty opened this issue · 4 comments
If I try to run the last of the non-qt version on Fedora Linux it appears to be doing nothing. No window appears. The application does not exit.
The last log entries:
2023-04-17 21:38:24.281 WARN [ConfigDatabaseImpl #0] Unable to find config for key session
2023-04-17 21:38:24.282 WARN [ConfigDatabaseImpl #0] Unable to find config for key command_line_action
2023-04-17 21:38:24.282 WARN [ConfigDatabaseImpl #0] Unable to find config for key general
2023-04-17 21:38:24.285 WARN [ConfigDatabaseImpl #0] Unable to find config for key system
2023-04-17 21:38:24.405 INFO [LocalHttpServer #0] Local HTTP IPC server running on
The extraterm must be manually killed for it to exit.
How to debug this?
To help get it working again, you can try shutting it off and the deleting the ~/.config/extraterm/
directory. That should clean any cruft out.
Removing the.config/extraterm directory - No change still hangs without creating a window.
extratermqt does work but mouse based copy is broken so it is a non-starter for me.
that's odd, it should work.
What do you mean by mouse based copy not working? I use it all the time on Windows and Linux (Mint).
See issue #195. Use the mouse with left button to select text - it should be copied into the PRIMARY selection. Go to another window and click middle mouse button - PRIMARY selection should be pasted. It is not. Instead the PRIMARY selection still holds an earlier value and that earlier value is pasted.
If I have Middle set to "paste from selection clipboard" then left mouse select in extratermqt followed by middle mouse button in the same extratermqt window does not work - the selection is not pasted. If I have "paste from clipboard" selected then left button select followed by middle paste works in extratermqt. It looks like left button select does not copy to the PRIMARY selection. I could not find a config option to configure it to do so.